1st year
Bible, prayer and discipleship
Apply here!
Be built up
Get a firm foundation in your life! At the Bible school, you learn to know God’s word so you can overcome life’s challenges. Get introduced to all the books of the Bible and the foundational truths.
Some of the topics will be:
- How to read God’s word
- Sanctification
- Identity in Christ
- God as a Father
- The pillars of the Christian faith
- Creative evangelism
- Apologetics
- The need for the Power of The Holy Spirit
- Character-building
- Family and marriage
- The books of the Bible
- How to help people in need
- Life skills and trauma processes
- Learn to pray
- What is Christian mission?
- The End times
- Economic management and giving
- The Universe – A coincidence or created by a Mighty Creator?
Be inspired
What a privilegde to know God! Set off a year to draw closer to Him! He whole created you and saved you also want to show you His plan for your life and how you can live a life with the Holy Spirit.
You will receive a diploma at the end of the year, detailing the subjects that you have completed and the grades.
Be trained
Practice loving your neighbor through outreach in Trondheim, mission trips abroad, and trips to churches in Mid-Norway together with your classmates at BiT Bible College in Norway.
School fees: 16,000 NOK (8000 NOK for each semester). Applications are handled continually. We are the second most affordable bible school in Norway.
Mission trip abroad: Voluntary, but recommended! In 2024 the students could choose either a trip to Thailand that had a cost of 25,000 NOK or a trip to Latvia that had a cost of 2000 NOK. In the coming year, we will also offer a trip at a total cost of a maximum of 2500 NOK.
Approved for support from The State Educational Loan Fund, Norway.
The life at BiT Bible college in Norway

The school day
Worship service: 09:00-10:30
Lectures: 10:30-12:00
Lunch: 12:00-12:40
Lectures: 12:40-14:00
Ministry once a week in the Spring semester

We begin each day with a Worship service, who gets the highest score on all student evaluations. Wonderful to start the day with praising God and enjoying His presence!
The teaching mainly consists of lectures, but in the middle and at the end of the day, there are group discussions. In preparation for trips and events, we work in teams.
During the spring semester, you can suggest a ministry where you would like to serve once a week.
Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Norway's best?
Trondheim has been rated as the most popular city in Norway among students several times.

A part of Betel Church
Betel church has international services in English and is passionate about worship.

Visit us
We have open days each semester. Follow us on Facebook so you don't miss the announcement.