Regulations for student admission

passed by the board at BiT Bible School

1. Admission zone

The Bible School in Trondheim accepts students from the entire country.

2. Requirements for admission

a) Applicants must be 18 years old or older by the end of the year which school starts.

b) Applicants for the 2nd year must have finished the 1st year at BiT or another Bible school (must be documented). 

3. Prioritization

If the number of applicants exceeds the maximum number of students at the school, members of Betel Pentecostal church in Trondheim are prioritized according to their enrolment date. Other applicants are prioritized according to the date they submitted their application.

4. Application

Applications shall be submitted through the school’s application form.

5. Application deadline

The school processes the applications continuously.

6. Processing of applications

The school processes the applications continuously and the applicants will be informed about the outcome once a decision is made. Those who apply after the school is full will be offered a place on the waiting list. The applications will be handled according to point 3, and admissions will take place continuously as free seats become available. The applicants on the waiting list can only be accepted if other students withdraw before October 1.

7. Admission period

From October 1 it is possible to apply to be admitted as a student in August the following year. If there are free seats when the school starts in August it is possible to apply and be accepted to start immediately until September 30. If there still are free seats by the end of September, it will be possible to apply to be admitted as a student in January. The number of free seats in January will be decided by the principal each year. If there are free seats when the school starts in January, it is possible to apply and be accepted to start immediately until March 30.


8. Right of complaint and right to appeal

The principal makes the admission decisions according to these regulations for student admission. The decision is an individual decision according to § 2 in the Public Administration Act, and the applicant has the right of complaint according to chapter VI. The appellate administrative body is the county governor on behalf of the ministry.