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You are created for a relationship with Jesus. A year or two at BiT Bible School in Norway will give you a deeper knowledge of God through Bible study and time in His presence. Discover what God says about you and to you! God wants you to be a channel for His unending love and power to flow through other people. Heartly welcome – we are waiting for you!

– Heidi, Principle

Frequently asked questions


What are the requirements that I need to fulfill to become a student?

To be admitted as a student you need to fulfill these requirements:

  1. You must have completed high school
  2. You need to understand and express yourself well in either Norwegian or English.
  3. You must be 18 years old or above. You must at least turn 18 years in the year when you start studying at our Bible school.

How much is the schoolfees?

Among the Bible schools in Norway, we are the second most affordable according to our price comparison from October 2022 (only available in Norwegian).

School fees: 16,000 NOK (8000 NOK for each semester). Applications are handled continually.

Mission trip abroad: Voluntary, but recommended! In 2024 the students could choose either a trip to Thailand that had a cost of 25,000 NOK or a trip to Latvia that had a cost of 2000 NOK. In the coming year, we will also offer a trip at a total cost of a maximum of 2500 NOK.

How is the student satisfaction?

In 2020 Norway ranked the 5th happiest country in the world, according to a report for the United Nations. They topped the list several years, latest in 2017, ranking high in indicators as “caring, freedom, generosity, honesty, health, income and good governance.” Happiness is contagious! Norway has the highest satisfaction scores in the world among international students. They are also number 1 in productivity per worker, with almost 50% more gross domestic product per hour than the UK according to BI Norwegian Business School, who attributes it to the Norwegian mentality for equality and a flat hierarchy. With strong welfare and public health services and low crime rates. You can read about health services for International students at the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration’s website.

Trondheim has been voted to be the best study destination in Norway several times with 91% satisfied students.

Do I need to learn Norwegian?

English is commonly spoken, so it is not needed to learn Norwegian. We help you if you can’t understand Norwegian. Usually, we have someone who can translate for you. Norway has many dialects, but if you want to study Norwegian before you go to Norway you should learn Norwegian (Bokmål). Check YouTube and apps to get started.

Do I need a residence permit for studies?

Most students who plan to stay in Norway for more than three months will need a student residence permit, also called a study permit. Visas are only issued for up to 90 days and will not cover stays beyond this period.

Norway is not a member of the European Union (EU), but a part of the European Economic Area (EEA). Norway is also part of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) together with Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Nationals of EU, EEA or EFTA countries do not need a residence permit to stay in Norway. If you come from outside the EU/EEA/EFTA area you have to apply for a student residence permit. The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) is responsible for handling the application process and issuing the student residence permit. See the requirements for your country here. 

For further information, see Study in Norway – Student residence permit.

Read more about Immigration and requirements to be accepted as a student.


Do you offer student accommodation?

Our school has no student accommodation, but Trondheim is known for having good student accommodation. You are responsible to find a place to stay yourself, but you are welcome to contact us if you need further advice on this part. Housing costs around NOK 4000 to 6000 for a single room with shared bathroom and kitchen. Students in Trondheim are guaranteed to have a place to sleep at the beginning of the new semester.

How can I finance my studies?

For Norwegian citizens, the Bible school is approved for support from The State Educational Loan Fund, Norway.

Students from abroad should check if scholarships or loans are available in their home country to support their Bible study in Norway. It is also possible to work part-time besides your studies. Norway has an attractive job market and a low unemployment rate. For more information about work in Norway, see https://www.workinnorway.no/.

Is it expensive to live in Norway?

In addition, you can assume that you will need NOK 2000 to 3000 a month for food. By buying groceries at Rema 1000 and sharing meals with friends at home you can reduce the cost for food. Norway is the world’s largest exporter of seafood, so take advantage of the access to high quality seafood. A 30-day transportation card costs around NOK 500. For further details, Numbeo has an overview of typical living costs in Norway.

What is Bible school?

Bible-school equips you to live as a disciple of Jesus in your everyday life. Compared to theology study in is much more practical. Through outreach and internship, you get opportunities to practice what you learn.

The bible studies give you a deeper foundation for your faith. You get time to reflect and ask questions. Thereby you can make better decisions based on God’s will.  Think about how much your faith will grow by studying the bible for several hours each day!

The supportive fellowship makes you bolder in sharing your faith with others, demonstrating God’s love and power. The teachers are training you, challenging you, and coaching you. You minister alongside them and learn by following them as they are following Christ.

Why attend Bible school?

You will benefit from your year at Bible school for the rest of your life. You can afford to wait one year before you continue with further education or start working. Be trained so you can learn to defend your faith. Know the truth so you can stand in faith through the challenges of life. You need to be aware that you are in a spiritual battle. When Jesus was tempted he answered by quoting God’s word.  Jesus says that Mary has chosen the good part when she sits down and listens to his words (Luke 10:42). This is what Bible school is all about!

What is the difference between a Christian folk high school and the Bible school?

The folk high schools primarily help you to develop your natural gifts (for instance singing, dancing, sports, photography, etc.), while the Bible school primarily helps you to grow your relationship with God and trains you to use your spiritual gifts. 

Do I get credits?

If you join our Pioneer and leadership program (which requires that you first have finished the first year or already have completed one year at another Bible school), we offer you to take one course for free at The Norwegian School of Leadership and Theology, HLT. You can then earn 10 ECTS.

Do I get a diploma?

You will receive a diploma at the end of the year, detailing the subjects that you have completed and the grades.

Is Bible school also for adults?

You can always grow in your knowledge of God. Although most of the students at the Bible school are between 18-25 years old, we also have adults and seniors among our students. God desires the generations to stand together (Malachi 4:6).

Are there other English bible schools in Norway?

Bible schools in Norway for international students with English websites:

Explore Norway

In previous years we have started the autumn semester by hiking to Norway’s highest mountain top, Galdhøpiggen and visited Norway’s most beautiful mountain valley, Innerdalen, described as “Spectacular” and “Words cannot describe” on TripAdvisor, where it gets extremely good reviews.

«The opportunities to explore pristine and untouched nature is something I’ve just never seen in other popular study abroad destinations. I remember that on certain hikes in Norway, you could literally drink out of the streams you were walking over, so all you needed to bring with you was an empty water bottle – that’s the level of nature I’m talking about here.»

Christopher Mitchell

Explore the nature at Bible school in Norway

Norway is on the same latitude as Sibir and Alaska, but is much warmer thanks to the Gulf Stream from Southern Europe. The average temperatures on the West Cost is 6 °C.

Norway offers the greatest diversity of natural environments in Europe. With pristine waterfalls, lush green forests and fjords, majestic ice caves, islands and mountains, it is a dream for nature photographers and selfie experts.”

The Californian Abroad

Enjoy free outdoor activities like camping and hiking. Through the Norwegian Trekking Association (in short DNT) you can get access to cabins all over Norway. During the summer you can experience the midnight sun in Trondheim where it never gets dark.

Application and immigration

The following information is based on information from the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) as of September 2023 and our experience in handling applications.

Requirements to apply for immigration to attend Bible colleges in Norway for international students:

  • You must have been admitted to a Bible school and cannot have had a previous residence permit to attend Bible school or folk high school in Norway.
  • It is required that you have enough money to live on, i.e. at least NOK 125,370 per year in addition to the school fees. For your admission to remain valid, you need to pay the school fees (NOK 16,000) and have at least NOK 125,370 NOK in your Norwegian bank account (or transfer that amount to the deposit account of the Bible school) within two weeks after you receive the acceptance letter from the Bible school.
  • You must have somewhere to live.
  • The circumstances in your home country must indicate that it is likely that you can return home when you have completed your studies.

Rights and obligations for applicants who are granted a study permit

  • You can not be self-employed or run your own business in Norway
  • If you are granted a study permit, you are automatically also granted permission to work part-time for up to 20 hours per week in addition to your studies and full-time during holidays.
  • The study permit is valid for one year and cannot be renewed.
  • Your family members cannot apply for family immigration to come and live with you in Norway.

The Bible School in Trondheim is authorized under the Adult Education Act and consequently fulfills UDI’s requirements for the study program.

For information about whether you need a residence permit for studies (study permit) see our FAQ and visit the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI).

Students talking together in the sofa